Saturday, January 17, 2009

Proportionaility in War

1,100 dead Palestinians. More than 40% are women and children under the age of 18. That is 450 to 500 dead Palestinian women and children in 21 days of fighting.

13 dead Israelis.

In the laws governing acts of war, there exists a principle of proportionality, created in adherence to universally recognized principles of morality. This law dictates that offensive military actions should be proportional to the acts which they are being launched in response to. Violations of this law constitute war crimes. Failing to take adequate steps to avoid civilian casualties in theaters of war also constitutes a war crime.

Israel has come under intense criticism from various media outlets in the States and elsewhere for their unrelenting attacks in Gaza; not because they are seeking to destroy an elected government, but because they have slaughtered so many civilians. It's been well documented that citizens of Gaza have no way of escaping the area. This was the case before the Israeli offensive began: Gaza is and has been the largest prison in the world, offering no chance of escape either into the State of Israel or into Egypt. Israel has turned it into, without exaggeration, a fiery prison of death.

1,100 : 13 is disproportional. 40% civilian casualties is unacceptable from a moral perspective.

I have family in Tel Aviv. I have been to Israel and was amazed by the country's beauty and by the kindness of its people. I do not want any harm to come to Israel, whether it be from Hamas in Gaza or Hezbollah in Lebanon. But I can not passively accept this slaughtering of a trapped civilians population. I hope that Barack shows himself to be man of principles and a man of the law in condemning these attacks and possibly altering our policy of tacit acceptance of all Israeli military action.

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