Friday, January 9, 2009

Bush League

As a cathartic exercise, I'm just going to make a quick list of the things that I will remember the Bush Years for:

- Instituting a climate of fear in American society in order to limit dissent and
make American public opinion more pliant.
- Polarizing political discourse in Congress and throughout society
- Justifying doctrine on the basis of good vs. evil and other false dichotomies
- 9/11
- War in Afghanistan
- War in and occupation of Iraq
- WMDs --> Toppling a dictator --> False links between Iraq and 9/11 --> Exporting
Democracy --> Avoiding civil war / blood bath
- "Mission Accomplished"
- Warrantless Wiretapping
- The legalization of torture
- Enemy combatants
- Legal black hole of Guantanamo
- Wall between Mexico and the States
- Profiling and detention of Arab-Americans / Muslims following 9/11
- Genocide in the Sudan
- Failure to ratify Kyoto
- Highest unemployment rate in 16 years
- Israel / Hezbollah war of '06
- Israel / Hamas war of '09
- Failure to secure a two state solution
- Backing of Musharraf in Pakistan
- Complete failure to penetrate the FATAs
- Rumsfeld, Rove, Cheney, Wolfowitz, and the Rest of the Vulcans vs. The World
- Rise of Iran / Potential nuclear Iran
- Further deterioration of public education
- Rising costs of higher education
- Inadequacy of the UN / UN Food Scandal / John Bolton
- Collapse of the US and global economy
- Cheney hunting incident
- Failure to form systemic, progressive approach to renewable/green/eco-friendly
- Bailouts
- Justice Roberts appointment
- Madoff
- Obama winning on a platform designed to counteract the damage listed here (other
than the Cheney hunting incident)

List your own if you feel inclined to do so. It's fun, soothing, and most of all, depressing!


jpage said...

How about the shoe incident

JAK said...

The rise of the Douchebagerie/Hater Class within the normal Bourgeois
Classes of our society.

Deregulation of the Banking Industry

Socialization of the Banking Industry

Socialized Agriculture

Bi-Lateral Trade agreements

Bickering w Hugo Chavez despite the fact that he is only the President of Venezuela.

Slim to no protection of the environment except for massive swaths of uninhabited Pacific Ocean.

Random Europeans coming up to Americans in the street to ask why we are so dumb.

Sarah Palin as a legitimate political candidate.

Sarah Palin as a joke political candidate.

Sarah Palin as the most frightening political candidate of the last 25 years.

Decriminalized marijuana in 3 US states while drug offenders continue to swell the largest single national prison population on the planet.

The New England Patriots Super Bowl Dynasty

The Eagles losing every big game they ever played.

And of course, the day the music died for all the haters out there, 11-4-09.

Matt Wilstein said...

7.2% unemployment rate.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The determination that a health worker's conscience takes priority over a woman's reproductive rights.

Anonymous said...

circumventing the normal budgetary process and using emergency "supplemental" budget requests to blur the real cost of defense spending.