Thursday, October 23, 2008

President Palin

On Isreal:

On Foreign Policy:

On the bail-out package:

Olbermann Piece on Palin/Bush:

On Abortion:

Why do I find myself looking at clips like this before bed? Is it because I'm a masochist, or because I'm simply terrified of VP or PRESIDENT Palin? It's a relief, not anything more, that McCain seems to now be regretting his decision to cast aside his responsibility of choosing a running mate who is actually capable of being President of the United States. I'm relieved because it indicates that at least some Americans and some Republicans are paying attention.

I wanted to also mention that since arriving in Morocco I have engaged in numerous discussions with Moroccans about the election. It is the very first thing that people ask me when they learn I am an American. The fact that I have not met a McCain supporter yet is secondary in importance to the fact that only about 10% of the population seems to know much about Palin. If more people did, I don't know if I would have been received as kindly here as I have been, representing a powerful country that seems to care less about the people it puts into power.

Can you imagine the public opinion of Islamic nations if Palin were to become President, or even VP? Here is a woman who not only has trouble completing sentences in interviews, but who basically equates Muslims with terrorists. You can say that isn't fair, but in my extensive research into this issue I am yet to find an instance in which Palin mentioned Islam and did not mention terrorism. You win a pat on the back from me and the other readers if you find one.

Okay, time to sleep and dream, hopefully, of a time when America is no longer run by people who think that people of different races and cultures should be feared.


1 comment:

Emmie Roe Stamell said...

well put. she is a scary representation of the worst American politics has to offer.