Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I care deeply.
I read and learn and discuss and report and discuss some more.
I’m aware.
I’ve monitored the destruction of our planet, the genocides.
I can see those spirals.
CNN, FOX, NYTimes, The Post, Youtube and Google --- every day I see things.
And I’m a liberal!
I’m a goddamned liberal and I care.
So I consume…. What’s the big deal?
I’m just trying to get by with a little extra.
Since when is it a crime to spend extra, eat extra, own extra, use extra?
It’s my extra and I worked for it.
This is America.
I’d be the first to embrace Socialism; pay for others’ health and education.
But I need to survive in a capitalist society valuing PROGRESS!
You can’t expect me to be one of these crazy people who only buy organic American, who subsist on what they need, even though they could have more.
I’ll trade and buy and sell and trade some more, and then I’ll give back. Philanthropy:
To balance it out, tip the scales back in the world’s favor, in everyone else’s favor.
And I will, you know I will, you know I’m a good person with a good heart.
So I consume a little extra. So I participate. So my foot’s on the gas.
So I’m represented by horrible people.So my freedom is worth the death of thousands.
Can’t expect it all to change, what do you want from me?
I’m here by my own volition.
No one forced me to open up like this.
Don’t you have any guilt?

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